Yet Another Wonderful Testimonial
Yet Another Wonderful Testimonial

We are always deeply touched to hear reports of the positive effects of the Christ Consciousness Transmissions. Here is a testimonial we just received:
"Thank you for the years of making Transmissions and yourselves available so many times each week.
I much appreciate the concise and precise teachings transmitted and often share them with others. Who knows how often I’ve heard some of them, it doesn’t really matter. I love revisiting the Truth and rediscovering it anew.
I love the way the transmissions have opened me up to the movement of energy in me, through me, and around me. Interestingly, this has led to other related practices and teachings. Prior to all this, I was probably by disposition unlikely to be drawn to things like transmissions. In fact, I wasn’t naturally drawn to what you do! It grew on me somehow. These days the experience of it has become central. Why? I can’t really explain it. There’s a great transformative power in it. I try to cooperate.
I have discovered the true meaning of prayer — the ability to recognize when I need help and to distill a clear request for help. The Universe often answers in its own way. Recently, a new attitude presented itself that allowed me to more skillfully deal with some very, very difficult circumstances at the edge of life and death.
I end each day before I go to bed with our wonderful invocation and I fall back into Being. Is there a more concise statement or prayer of intent anywhere? I haven’t seen it. I often share it with others.
Thanks again and Be Well."
Here is the invocation mentioned that we say together just before each transmission: “I am open, ready, and willing to receive whatever I need to awaken more fully to my divine nature for the good of all and in alignment with my highest good. May Love be my guide in this moment and always.”
More info about the Christ Consciousness Transmissions we offer seven times a week.