Nirmala's Books (including free ebooks)
Enter your email in the form at the bottom of this page to download a free PDF or EPUB of Nirmala's free spiritual ebook, Living from the Heart. And if you can't afford to purchase any of the other books, contact Nirmala using the form here and he will send you a free PDF copy of any of Nirmala's ebooks you are interested in.
His book of spiritual poetry, Gifts with No Giver, is also always free to download. Also, all of the other books on this page are included in the Kindle Unlimited program (like a kind of Netflix for Ebooks), so you can read them by subscribing, and the first month is FREE. More info about Kindle Unlimited.
Click on covers to learn more about each book:
From the foreword to Nothing Personal by Adyashanti, spiritual teacher and author of Emptiness Dancing:
“The beauty of this collection of Nirmala’s talks and dialogues is that it covers much of the spectrum of spiritual awakening, from the initial experience of one’s true nature to the practical challenges, which always call for a deeper seeing and deeper understanding of how spirit manifests as all of life and beyond. Within these talks and dialogues you, the reader, will find Nirmala to be a living invitation to look within. Nirmala welcomes whatever arises within the field of experience. In the midst of this welcoming is always an invitation to inquire deeply within, to the core of who and what you are. Again and again, Nirmala points the questions back to the questioner and beyond to the very source of existence itself—to the faceless awareness that holds both the question and the questioner in a timeless embrace."
A review on Amazon for Nirmala's free spiritual ebook, Living from the Heart:
“Nirmala's book is an invitation to explore the world through a new lens of perception…deep love, peace, stillness, and awareness. His coaching is followed by extraordinarily simple exercises that helped me to stop avoiding and resisting the challenges in life. He taught me how to relax into every moment and find the richness that was already there. Before reading this book, I felt an almost constant obsessive desire for more…more love, gratification, experience, more of almost everything. When I view reality from my heart, as Nirmala instructs, the obsessiveness stops and is replaced with deep fulfillment and peace. Nirmala's words are imbued with Spirit and seem to penetrate deeply, way beyond the mind. The ONLY other book that had a similar effect on me was Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now. It is rare indeed to pick up a book and read only a sentence or paragraph and know that you have crossed the threshold of mind and entered into the larger domain of Expanded Awareness. I love this book and can't wait to share it with others.”
–Debbie Hartman, CA (Enter your email in the form below to download a free PDF of Nirmala's free spiritual ebook, Living from the Heart.)