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Falling in Love with Truth

| Nirmala | Miscellaneous

Falling in Love with Truth

Published on
17 January 2009

Here is another poem from the book, Gifts with No Giver, available as a free spiritual poetry ebook you can download here.

I have fallen in love with truth
I only want to be with her
I can not stand to be apart
I would gladly go to the ends of the earth
or I would never again move from this spot
just to be sure to inhale her fragrant perfume
with my dying breath

I have fallen in love with truth
her every wish my command
I simply must obey
for she has captured my soul
and taken complete control
of even my innermost thoughts
freeing me to find repose
in her unadorned splendor

I have fallen in love with truth
with exquisite tenderness she shows me
the perfection in my every flaw
no need for pretense
for she knows everything about me
and yet takes me in her arms
with complete abandon
until only she remains

(Another free ebook by Nirmala)
